Adding your own Application icon for your J2ME application (jar file)

Normally it is the default icon which is seen as soon as the installation of a jar file is complete.. if you  want to see your own icon for launching the application after installing the jar file then here is how you can do this.
To achieve this manually just add following entry into your JAD/Manifest files:
MIDlet-1: <App Name>,<AppIcon>,<MidletClass> where AppIcon is the name of icon image file along with path in the JAR file where it resides in the Jar ex: /app/appicon.png 
or else 
You can add the MIDlet-Icon attribute that contains the absolute path of the icon file for the MIDlet suite, relative to the JAR file itself.
If you are using an IDE, then follow the steps below:
  1. For the Netbeans IDE

    Just go to the project properties,
    then go to the application descriptor.
    and now click the midlet tab then you will find the icon option,correct.
    Then click on this icon drop down and provide the name of the icon.
    Thats all.
  2. For the eclipse + mtj 

    #Open the eclipse
    #Find your project
    #Find the Application descriptor
    #Now give double click with mouse left bottom in this
    #Find the label "optional" choose it, in the MIDlet icon box put the your icon path...e.g. C:\...
    #save your changes.

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